Classification in another country

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Classification in another country

Postby habar_name » Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:17 pm

Hi everybody! I think I have a special question. I have found some meteorite like stones, I believe that they are stony meteorites. they pass all the visual tests. In Romania they are no laws towards the rights of these, so I was wondering if there is a possibility for me to classify them in another UE country. I do not know who to ask so I appologise if it is totally off topic. If somebody wants some pictures, I could post some. Thanks, cheers.
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Re: Classification in another country

Postby David Entwistle » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:49 pm

habar_name wrote:Hi everybody! I think I have a special question. I have found some meteorite like stones, I believe that they are stony meteorites. they pass all the visual tests. In Romania they are no laws towards the rights of these, so I was wondering if there is a possibility for me to classify them in another UE country. I do not know who to ask so I appologise if it is totally off topic. If somebody wants some pictures, I could post some. Thanks, cheers.


Welcome to the British and Irish Meteorite Society Forum.

We'd always be interested in seeing pictures of suspected meteorites. So, either post an image here, or a link to the images.

Muzeele Universității Babeș-Bolyai have a meteorite collection and may be able to assist in identifying your items. Are you far from there?

    Muzee UBB Cluj
    Str. Mihail Kogălniceanu, nr. 1,
    Birou 121
    Cluj-Napoca, Jud. Cluj

UBB were also involved in the classification of Romania's most recent meteorite fall, Pleşcoi.

Best wishes,
Last edited by David Entwistle on Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
David Entwistle
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Re: Classification in another country

Postby Barwellian » Mon Aug 31, 2015 12:14 am

Hi Habar.....hope I got the name right...some photos would be the best next step...I can help arrange analysis and classification if they do look like they are meteorites.Always an exciting prospect.

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Re: Classification in another country

Postby David Entwistle » Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:29 pm

I'm guessing the items in question are the same as shown on the following web sites?

TreasureNet and
David Entwistle
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