Meteorite found in the Western Sahara?

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Meteorite found in the Western Sahara?

Postby Sahraoui » Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:13 pm

Hi everybody,

This is my first time in this forum, I want someone to help me to ID this rock.
Is this a meteorite?
I found it in the Western Sahara within my trip there.
Weight : 72g
Here is some pictures of it: ... image7.JPG ... image6.JPG ... image5.JPG

Sorry, the pictures are on the mhn forum because I can't upload image with more than 256ko here.

Thank you in advance.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:53 pm
Location: Paris, France

Re: Meteorite found in the Western Sahara?

Postby David Entwistle » Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:43 pm

Sahraoui wrote:Hi everybody,

This is my first time in this forum, I want someone to help me to ID this rock.
Is this a meteorite?
I found it in the Western Sahara within my trip there.

Hi Sahraoui,

Welcome to the British and Irish Meteorite forum. Nice rock.

Can you perform a scratch test to determine if the whitish crystals are quartz? They look like they may be quartz to me and you don't find large fragments of quartz in meteorites. See here for more details.

I'm not an expert, but looks like it could be a sedimentary breccia of terrestrial origin.
David Entwistle
Posts: 1259
Joined: Fri May 13, 2011 5:52 pm

Re: Meteorite found in the Western Sahara?

Postby Sahraoui » Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:11 pm

David Entwistle wrote:
Sahraoui wrote:Hi everybody,

This is my first time in this forum, I want someone to help me to ID this rock.
Is this a meteorite?
I found it in the Western Sahara within my trip there.

Hi Sahraoui,

Welcome to the British and Irish Meteorite forum. Nice rock.

Can you perform a scratch test to determine if the whitish crystals are quartz? They look like they may be quartz to me and you don't find large fragments of quartz in meteorites. See here for more details.

I'm not an expert, but looks like it could be a sedimentary breccia of terrestrial origin.

Hi David,

Thank you for the reply, I will perform the scratch test and I will give the result.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:53 pm
Location: Paris, France

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