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Postby David Entwistle » Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:15 pm

From the Catalogue of Meteorites:
52° 46' N, 21° 16' E
Warsaw, Poland
Fall 1868, January 30, 19:00 hrs
Stone. Chondrite. Ordinary (H5), veined, brecciated; S3.

After the appearance of a fireball followed by detonations, a shower of stones fell over an area of several square miles between Pultusk and Ostrolenka on the Narew.

Three individual Pultusk meteorites from the Manchester Museum collection.

From left to right Manchester Museum collection N6686 (17.03g), N6688 (4.68g) & N6687 (7.27g).
David Entwistle
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Re: Pultusk

Postby msg-meteorites » Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:45 pm

I recall that those Pultusk specimens from the Manchester Museum were super fresh too, looked like they fell yesterday!
Martin Goff
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Re: Pultusk

Postby Barwellian » Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:54 am

Some interesting weathering research been in progress regarding Pultusk...I loaned a specimen that was found recently from the Pultusk strewnfield to Dr Richard Greenwood at the OU who compare O isotopes with some similar freah specimens picked up at the time of the fall to see how they had changed. Seems actually there was not a lot of change as far as I can remember from the results.

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