Just found out about this below...will try and attend and hopefully discuss the Barwell memorial proposal.....Graham
Sent on behalf of Ashley King (NHM)
Dear all,
a reminder that the abstract and registration deadline for the Meteorites and Solar System Formation workshop at the NHM is next Friday 2nd October.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Barwell meteorite fall, the largest ever recorded in the UK. Since then, the study of meteorites has led to many ground breaking discoveries about the formation and evolution of our solar system. To celebrate the fall of Barwell, and to bring together the UK cosmochemistry community, we are holding a birthday party for Barwell which will include a Meteorites and Solar System Formation workshop at the Natural History Museum, London on Wednesday 4th November 2015.
We welcome oral and poster presentations on any aspect of meteorites and solar system formation, including the history of meteoritics. Abstracts should be short (max half an A4 page) and text only. There will be no registration fee.
To register and submit an abstract please e-mail me (a.king@nhm.ac.uk<mailto:a.king@nhm.ac.uk>), stating if you would like to present a talk or poster.
If you plan to attend but not present could you please let us know so that we have an idea of numbers.
We look forward to seeing you in November!
Ashley King & Sara Russell
Dr. Ashley King
Post-doctoral Research Assistant
Department of Earth Sciences
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
Office: WE B11A
Email: a.king@nhm.ac.uk<mailto:a.king@nhm.ac.uk>
Tel: +44(0)20 7942 6979
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