Meteorite Markings Offer Clues to Their Past

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Meteorite Markings Offer Clues to Their Past

Postby David Entwistle » Thu Oct 08, 2015 6:30 am

Meg Rosenburg has provided Physics Central with a Buzz Blog on Widmanstätten patterns, or Thomson structures.

Most iron meteorites are thought to be the remnants of planetesimals that grew large enough to differentiate very early during the formation of the solar system. Later destroyed by violent collisions, the parent body broke into pieces, some of them fragments of the nickel-iron core at the center, and others parts of the silicate crust and mantle. Some of these fragments were perturbed in their orbits enough to careen into the inner solar system, and a lucky few have ended up on Earth.

It looks very interesting, but the last line is very telling, as so far I can't get the audio to play. Let me know if you manage it...

That slice of meteorite in your hand has a lot to say about its past, as long as you know how to listen!
David Entwistle
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Re: Meteorite Markings Offer Clues to Their Past

Postby brasky12 » Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:14 pm

It works for me David, maybe try playing on Soundcloud itself? ... their-past
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