Help starting a collection

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Help starting a collection

Postby Samwise » Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:26 pm

Hey guys and girls,

I'm new here and would really appreciate some advice. My Dad's birthday is coming up and we have always shared a love for all things astronomy.

I was really hoping that I could get him a small meteorite fragment so that we could start up a collection but I have no idea where to look.

Unfortunately I only have about 50 - 60 pounds to spend (it's a start) but I would love to find something genuine and quite interesting.

Are there any reputable uk dealers + any suggestions of what type I should get? (Have seen some Eucrite meteorite's which look nice but not sure if genuine)

Is the possible?


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Re: Help starting a collection

Postby Kieron » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:52 pm

You could try David Bryant at

Or have a look on ebay - there are several UK dealers on there although I can't personally vouch for them all.

However, you would be better off not restricting yourself to UK dealers. One of my preferred sellers is Mirko Graul (mirko66 on ebay). Very reliable, reasonable postage, quick delivery.

As for type, I would recommend starting off with one of the cheaper Ordinary Chondrites from North West Africa - you will get more for you money that way. Or maybe one of the more common iron meteorites such as Sikhote Alin or Campo del Cielo. Eucrites, diogenites etc are relatively expensive.........

Hope that helps,

Regards, Kieron
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Re: Help starting a collection

Postby msg-meteorites » Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:54 pm

Hi Sam,

Always happy to take a look at specific specimens to advise on authenticity and price etc. Just post a link and we'll take a look :-)

A good place to start is this list of meteorite dealers :-)

How about a Chelyabinsk individual? They have come down in price and it is such a historic event that will be remembered for a very long time!


Martin Goff
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Re: Help starting a collection

Postby Samwise » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:42 pm

Great, thank you very much for the advice guys.

I hadn't realised that there were many reputable ones on ebay, would be very useful. I'll have a look and post some pics and see what you guys think!

Also agree with the limiting to UK comment, only problem this time is that I have left it a bit late as his birthday is coming up soon. Will definitely broaden my horizons for the rest of the collection.

I have a feeling it's going to be contagious...
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Re: Help starting a collection

Postby msg-meteorites » Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:11 pm

It's certainly addictive Sam, welcome to the club! :-)

Any questions, just ask :-)


Martin Goff
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Re: Help starting a collection

Postby ianbarrett » Tue Nov 10, 2015 6:42 pm

Hi Sam

I am a long time BIMS member and also run JURASSIC JEWELLERY - in which I have created the largest collection of meteorite jewellery in the World
I also sell a good selection of meteorite specimens and would be very happy to put together a small selection of meteorite specimens for you.

I am one of VERY FEW UK based sellers of meteorite material and happy to help save you from expensive delivery fees

Lets talk privately?

Ian Barrett
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