11/05/11 - BIMS Web Forum Launched

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11/05/11 - BIMS Web Forum Launched

Postby Matt Smith » Wed May 11, 2011 9:54 pm

In what is likely to be the biggest change to our society since it's inception, today we are very pleased to launch our own web based forums. For the next couple of weeks these will run in conjunction with the Yahoo group, but the intention is that we will move across to the forum for all discussion in the near future. The forums are accessible from the menu on the left hand side of the main page.

Both BIMS members and non-members are able register to join the forum. There is an open forum where all registered users can post and also a BIMS members only forum where your discussions will only be shared with other BIMS members in a similar way to the Yahoo group. BIMS members will only have access to the members areas after I've added your account to the members group on the forum, just let me know your forum username after registering and I'll get you added.

Since many members are used to receiving their updates via email from the Yahoo group we have set-up a number of features offering similar functionality from the forum. You can read about those features here. If you run into any difficulties making the transition, just let us know and we will do our best to help you.

You will also notice a News forum. The front page of the BIMS site now takes it's news directly from this forum, below each news item you should see a link to the forum post. BIMS members can post comments on the news items, hopefully making the site far more interactive and enabling me to post news more quickly, easily and frequently.

What are you waiting for? Go and register today!
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Matt Smith
Site Admin
Posts: 214
Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:57 pm
Location: North-west

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