Rocks from space picture of the day

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Rocks from space picture of the day

Postby msg-meteorites » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:52 am

A rather amusing RFSPOD posted earlier today!


Thats 2 RFSPOD postings you have appeared in recently Graham, good on you!

Cheers all

Martin Goff
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Re: Rocks from space picture of the day

Postby Barwellian » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:55 am

Thought it was very funny when Dave spotted the bank sign and made me get the cast out for the photo.
A pity the real thing was not on display.
That was a good day out.


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Re: Rocks from space picture of the day

Postby David Entwistle » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:04 pm

Barwellian wrote:Thought it was very funny when Dave spotted the bank sign and made me get the cast out for the photo.
A pity the real thing was not on display.
That was a good day out.

Excellent picture.

I wonder if York Museum would be receptive to a little gentle encouragement to put "Middlesbrough" on permanent display, or allow it to be loaned elsewhere where it could be on display once again? I appreciate it didn't make it to the top slot in their recent poll, but it's not exactly something that you could see anywhere else.
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Re: Rocks from space picture of the day

Postby Barwellian » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:22 pm

There is an allocated display (although not very inspiring) with a dome to hold the meteorite, but the curators were saying that it has not been returned to it after it's trip north recently because it needed repair work or something similar. We had fun taking pictures of us all holding the cast next to the case as if we had removed it somehow :)
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Re: Rocks from space picture of the day

Postby msg-meteorites » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:29 pm

What they said during our visit is that they just need a new mounting and display dome and then it will be back on display. They have a display space already laid out for it just its not actually displayed there. We were a bit dissapointed with the actual display as it didnt really do the meteorite justice at all. Here are some photos of us holding the cast in front of the empty display:

Wold Cottage with Dave & Maddie June 2011 007.jpg

Wold Cottage with Dave & Maddie June 2011 006.jpg

Wold Cottage with Dave & Maddie June 2011 005.jpg

Was a fun day!
Martin Goff
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